Association for Asian Studies

Welcome to our virtual landing page for the Association for Asian Studies annual conference, where we’ve collected our new books and conference discount to share with you during this year’s meeting, March 14–17, 2024 here in Seattle, WA.


We are pleased to offer AAS members a 30% discount with free shipping on all orders to US addresses placed through April 19th. Enter promo code WAAS24 at checkout through our website or by calling 1-800-537-5487.


Our acquisitions editors are eager to connect with current and prospective authors about new projects and book proposals. If you have a project you’d like to discuss, please get in touch with one of our editors:

Caitlin Tyler-Richards

Acquisitions Editor

Anthropology; Native and Indigenous studies; women’s, gender, and sexuality studies; and Asian studies

Mike Baccam

Acquisitions Editor


Asian American studies, western US history, environmental history, and critical ethnic studies

We’ve curated a selection of our new and noteworthy books below, and you can find additional titles here.

New in Asian Studies

Good Wife, Wise Mother

Good Wife, Wise Mother

Educating Han Taiwanese Girls under Japanese Rule

Fang Yu Hu, James Lin, William Lavely, Madeleine Yue Dong



304 Pages


China's Camel Country

Livestock and Nation-Building at a Pastoral Frontier

Thomas White, K. Sivaramakrishnan, K. Sivaramakrishnan



264 Pages

Mumbai on Two Wheels

Mumbai on Two Wheels

Cycling, Urban Space, and Sustainable Mobility

Jonathan Shapiro Anjaria, Padma Kaimal, K. Sivaramakrishnan, Anand A. Yang



258 Pages

The Dong World and Imperial China’s Southwest Silk Road

The Dong World and Imperial China’s Southwest Silk Road

Trade, Security, and State Formation

James A. Anderson



298 Pages

Glorious Qing

Glorious Qing

Decorative Arts in China, 1644-1911

Claudia Brown



336 Pages

Late Industrialization, Tradition, and Social Change in South Korea

Late Industrialization, Tradition, and Social Change in South Korea

Yong-Chool Ha, Clark W. Sorensen



336 Pages

Taiwan Lives

Taiwan Lives

A Social and Political History

Niki J. P. Alsford, James Lin, William Lavely, Madeleine Yue Dong



302 Pages

Cold War Deceptions

Cold War Deceptions

The Asia Foundation and the CIA

David H. Price



358 Pages

Island X

Island X

Taiwanese Student Migrants, Campus Spies, and Cold War Activism

Wendy Cheng



270 Pages

Life and Afterlife in Ancient China

Life and Afterlife in Ancient China

Jessica Rawson



560 Pages

Modified Bodies, Material Selves

Modified Bodies, Material Selves

Beauty Ideals in Post-Reform Shanghai

Julie E. Starr



228 Pages

An Ecological History of Modern China

An Ecological History of Modern China

Stevan Harrell



582 Pages

Fukushima Futures

Fukushima Futures

Survival Stories in a Repeatedly Ruined Seascape

Satsuki Takahashi, K. Sivaramakrishnan, K. Sivaramakrishnan



194 Pages

Ecologies of Empire in South Asia, 1400-1900

Ecologies of Empire in South Asia, 1400-1900

Sumit Guha, K. Sivaramakrishnan, K. Sivaramakrishnan



268 Pages

China's Hidden Century


Jessica Harrison-Hall, Julia Lovell



336 Pages

A Thorough Exploration in Historiography / <i>Shitong</i>

A Thorough Exploration in Historiography / Shitong

Liu Zhiji, Victor Cunrui Xiong, Michael Nylan, Andrew Plaks



1104 Pages

The Ghost in the City

The Ghost in the City

Luo Ping and the Craft of Painting in Eighteenth-Century China

Michele Matteini



248 Pages

Surviving the Sanctuary City

Surviving the Sanctuary City

Asylum-Seeking Work in Nepali New York

Tina Shrestha



242 Pages

Old Stacks, New Leaves

Old Stacks, New Leaves

The Arts of the Book in South Asia

Sonal Khullar



328 Pages

The Camphor Tree and the Elephant

The Camphor Tree and the Elephant

Religion and Ecological Change in Maritime Southeast Asia

Faizah Zakaria, K. Sivaramakrishnan, K. Sivaramakrishnan



280 Pages