Oceanographic History
The Pacific and Beyond
Edited by Keith R. Bengtsson and Philip F. Rehbock
- PUBLISHED: May 2002
- SUBJECT LISTING: Environmental Studies
- BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: 568 Pages, 8.5 x 11 in
- ISBN: 9780295982397
- Publisher: University of Washington Press
From a study of knowledge of the sea among indigenous cultures in the South Seas to inquiries into the subject of sea monsters, from studies of Pacific currents to descriptions of ocean-going research vessels, the sixty-three essays presented here reflect the scientific complexity and richness of social relationships that characterize ocean-ographic history. Based on papers presented at the Fifth International Congress on the History of Oceanography held at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (the first ICHO meeting following the cessation of the Cold War), the volume features an unusual breadth of contributions.
Oceanography itself involves the full spectrum of physical, biological, and earth sciences in their formal, empirical, and applied manifestations. The contributors to Oceanographic History: The Pacific and Beyond undertake the interdisciplinary task of telling the story of oceanography’s past, drawing on diverse methodologies. Their essays explore the concepts, techniques, and technologies of oceanography, as well as the social, economic, and institutional determinants of oceanographic history. Although focused on the Pacific, the geographic range of subjects is global and includes Micronesia, East Africa, and Antarctica; the bathymetric range comprises inshore fisheries, coral reefs, and the “azoic zone.”
The seventy-one contributors represent every continent of the globe except Antarctica, bringing together material on the history of oceanography never before published.
Authors & Contributors
Keith R. Benson is professor of history at the University of Washington. Philip F. Rehbock was professor of history at the University of Hawaii.
Introduction--Philip F. Rehbock and Keith R. Benson
1. The Scripps Heritage
Scripps Benefactions: The Role of the Scripps Family in the Founding of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography--Deborah Day
Charles Kofoid's Role in Establishing the Scripps Institution of Oceanography--Fred Noel Spiess
Contexts for Constructing an Ocean Science: The Career of Harald Ulrik Sverdrup (1888-1957)--Robert Marc Friedman
2. Pacific Remembrances
The Sverdrup Years: A Personal Recollection--Walter H. Munk
Deep Sea Drilling: Lessons Learned--William A. Nierenberg
The NORPAC Expedition--Joseph L. Reid
The Development of Research Vessel Design--George G. Shor, Jr.
Reflections on My Knowledge in the Indo-Pacific--Klaus Wyrtki
3. Myth and Natural Knowledge of the Sea
Sea Monsters: Myth or Genuine Relic of the Past--Sherrie Lyons
Suggestions for Study of the Native Knowledge of Marine Animals in the Eastern Carolina Islands--Alan Eugene Davis
4. Exploration: The Pacific and Beyond
The Western Boundary Current in the Pacific: The Development of Our Oceanographic Knowledge--Joyce E. Jones and Ian S. F. Jones
Russian Oceanographic Investigations of the Pacific Ocean: History and Some Results--Arkady V. Alekseev and Igor D. Rostov
Research Vessel Vityaz: A Contribution to Oceanographic Science in the Past and Present--Svetlana G. Sivkova
Germania in Pacifico: Humboldt, Chamisso and Other Early German Contributors to Pacific Research, 1741-1876--Gerhard Kortum
The Aspirations of Alfred Merz, Georg Wust, and Albert Defant: From Berlin to Pacific Oceanography--Walter Lenz
Some Aspects of Early Twentieth-Century Oceanography: The German Antarctic Expedition--Maurice M. Raraty
Early Exploratory Voyages and Antarctic Expeditions: The Argentine Perspective--Ramiro P. Sanchez
History of Marine Science in Chile--Tarsicio Antezana and Nibaldo Bahamonde
The History of Oceanography along the Mexican Pacific Coast--Richard A. Schwartzlose and Saul Alvarez-Borrego
The Oceanographic Work of Captain Scott's Discovery, 1901-31--Ann Savours
Investigations of the Humboldt Current following a Long Series of Misadventures: The Voyage of the William Scoresby, 1931--Roalind Rolf and Gunther Marsden
The Danish Dana Expedition, 1928-30: Purpose and Accomplishments, Mainly in the Indo-Pacific--Torben Wolff
Italian Contributions to the Knowledge of the Southeast Pacific Ocean--Noberto della Croce
Deep-Sea Plankton Exploration in Historical Perspective--Baruch Kimor
The Educational Mission of Marine Sciences: A Case Study of East Africa, the Early Initiatives, 1930-80--Selim Morcos
School and Popular Marine Science Education in the United Kingdom--J. Malcolm Walker
5. Pioneers of Ocean Science
Anders Sparrman, 1748-1820--David Dyrssen
The Discovery of the Deep-Sea Atlantic Fauna--Luiz Saldanha
George Wallace Melville: His Influence Through Polor Exploration and Marine Engineering--A. Aristides Yayanos
Claude Zobell, Hadal Bacteria, and the "Azoic Zone"--Donald J. McGraw
The Pioneers of Oceanographic Research in Romania--G. Serpoinau and V. Malciu
Romanian Developmental Contributions of Emil Racovitza and Grigore Antipa to the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean--Alexandru S. Bologa and Alexandru Marinescu
Four Centuries of Physical Oceanography in Croatia--Mirko Orlic
6. North American Oceanography and Marine Biology
Four Men and an Albatross: The Growth of American Oceanography, 1882-1921--Larry T. Spencer
Marine Biology or Oceanography: Early American Developments in Marine Science on the West Coast--Keith R. Benson
Pacific Waters and the POG: The Origin of Physical Oceanography on the West Coast of Canada--Eric L. Mills
The Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions (1931-1962) and Their Contributions to Marine Biology--Anwar Abdel Aleem
Selling Bellevue: The Emergence of American Naval Oceanography--Gary E. Weir
Marine Biology/Biological Oceanography and the Federal Patrol: The NSF Initiative in Biological Oceanography in the 1960s--Toby A. Appel
Challenges and Opportunities in Naval Oceanography in the Post Cold War World--Timothy Coffey
Oceanography: The Next Fifty Years--John A. Knauss
7. Technique and Technology
Swedish Oceanographic Instruments up to 1950--Artur Svansson
The History of Chemical Determinations of Salinity--William J. Wallace
Early Attempts at Dermination of the Salinity of Seawater from Measurement of Its Electric Conductivity--Jens Smed
The History of Chemical Oceanography in Australian Waters, 1874-1974--Andrew McTaggart
The Role of Spectra in Ocean Wave Physics--David Irvine
Submersibles in Oceanographic Research--Bruce H. Robinson
8. Fisheries Science and Management
The Uses and Abuses of Scientific Expertise in English Inshore Oyster Fishery, 1860-1910--Gill Parsons
History of Fisheries: Science in Japan--Yoshiaki Matsuda
One Hundred Years of the Sergestid Shrimp Fishing Industry in Suruga Bay: Development of Administration and Social Policy--Makota Omori
Transformation in Fisheries Management: A Study of William C. Herrington--Amy L. Toro
Ocean Food and Energy from California Mariculture: An Evaluation of the US Marine Biomass Project, from 1972-1986--Peter Neuschul and Lawrence Badash
9. Coral Reef Research
Beyond Darwin: Coral Reef Research in the Twentieth Century--Daphne G. Fautin
Caribbean Contributions to Coral Reef Science--Robert A. Kinzie III
From Steady State to Stochastic Systems: The Revolution in Coral Reef Biology--Patricia Mather
Coral Reefs, Science, and Politics: Relationships and Criteria for Decisions over Two Centuries--A French Case History--Bernard Salvat
10. Plate Tectonics
Evolution of the Tectogene Concept, 1930-1965--Alan O. Allwardt
The Accreted Terrane Controversy, or Continental Geologists Strike Back--Homer E. LeGrand and William Glen
Gravity Surveys in the "Permanent" Ocean Basins: An Instrumental Chink in a Theoretical Suit of Armor--Naomi Oreskes
Geological Mapping of the Deep-Ocean off the Hawaiian Islands, Using Sidescan and Swath Sonar Imaging, 1966-1992--J. B. Wilson and W. R. Normark
11. Archival Resources for the History of Oceanography
Resources for the Study of Oceanography at the Archives of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography--Deborah Day
Sources for the History of Oceanography at the Smithsonian Institution at the National Archives--Pamela M. Henson
The Stazione Zoologica: A Clearing House for Marine Organisms--Christiane Groeben