Chiuk Wawa and its speakers
How to sse this dictionary
Key to the alphabets
The grammar of Chinuk Wawa
Key to Abbreviations
chinuk-wawa kakwa nsayka ulman tilixam laska munk-kemteks nsayka
Chinuk Wawa as our elders teach us to speak it
hayu chinuk-wawa wext khapa "ul chinuk-ili?i"
more Chinuk Wawa from the general lower Columbia
English Finder
Special Conventions
t'sem ya?im/ Texts
Picture gallery
Biographical sketches of the speakers
Note on transcription
Texts from Hudson family members
Texts from Wacheno extended-family members
A text in Tualatin Northern Kalapuya and Chinuk Wawa
Texts from Clara Riggs
A letter from Esther LaBonte
Examples of lower Columbia Chinuk Wawa from beyond the Grand Ronde community
Appendix: field transcripts of remaining texts recorded by Jacobs from John B. Hudson and Victoria Howard