"After smashing our illusions about the Pilgrims, Ott continues her pumpkin iconoclasm. . . . The pumpkin as symbol comes full circle."
Nina C. Ayoub, The Chronicle of Higher Education
"Cindy Ott digs deeply and creatively in furrowing a few familiar and many elusive sources in this major contribution to American agricultural and sociocultural history."
Michael Kammen, The Journal of American History
"If you’re interested in taking a deeper look into the rich history of pumpkins, you will enjoy Cindy Ott’s Pumpkin. . . It’s definitely worth a read. Next time you bake a homemade pumpkin pie, you can serve it with a slice of history as well."
Tori Avey, The History Kitchen
"There is much treasure to be mined from this engaging work of nonfiction, so carve out some reading time, and enjoy a pumpkin-tastic narrative."
Jan Johnson, The Columbian
"Her analysis certainly leads to a deeper consideration of this simple vegetable and how it is that Americans may still consider the country a farming nation, although the number of farmers had declined dramatically. . ."
Rae Katherine Eighmey, Minnesota History
"Cindy Ott presents a fascinating study of America's darling squash. . . . Her thorough investigation of the renowned autumn icon takes a detailed look into American social and agricultural history."
Kelly Restuccia, OhRanger!
"Ott reexamines American history through the lens of the pumpkin. It is an undertaking that is both intellectual and fun."
Garry Stephenson, Oregon Historical Quarterly