Organization of American Historians

Welcome to our virtual landing page for the Organization of American Historians conference. We would like to highlight our new books and share our conference discount during this year’s conference, April 11– 14, 2024, in New Orleans, LA.


We are pleased to offer OAH members a 30% discount on all orders placed through May 13, 2024. Enter promo code WOAH24 at checkout through our website or by calling 1-800-537-5487.


Our acquisitions editors are eager to connect with current and prospective authors about new projects and book proposals.  If you have a project you’d like to discuss, please get in touch with Caitlin Tyler-Richards at


We’ve curated a selection of our new and noteworthy books below, and you can find additional titles here.

New in American History

Alaska Native Resilience

Alaska Native Resilience

Voices from World War II

Holly Miowak Guise



300 Pages

Cleaning Up the Bomb Factory

Cleaning Up the Bomb Factory

Grassroots Activism and Nuclear Waste in the Midwest

Casey A. Huegel, Paul S. Sutter, Paul S. Sutter



328 Pages


Oregon's Others

Gender, Civil Liberties, and the Surveillance State in the Early Twentieth Century

Kimberly Jensen



348 Pages

Skidegate House Models

Skidegate House Models

From Haida Gwaii to the Chicago World's Fair and Beyond

Robin K. Wright, Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse, Nika Collison



224 Pages

Treaty Justice

Treaty Justice

The Northwest Tribes, the Boldt Decision, and the Recognition of Fishing Rights

Charles Wilkinson



376 Pages

Resisting the Nuclear

Resisting the Nuclear

Art and Activism across the Pacific

Elyssa Faison, Alison Fields, Laura Kina



344 Pages

Capturing Glaciers

Capturing Glaciers

A History of Repeat Photography and Global Warming

Dani Inkpen, Paul S. Sutter, Paul S. Sutter



270 Pages

Slapping Leather

Slapping Leather

Queer Cowfolx at the Gay Rodeo

Elyssa Ford, Rebecca Scofield



288 Pages

The Unknown Great

The Unknown Great

Stories of Japanese Americans at the Margins of History

Greg Robinson, Jonathan van Harmelen



276 Pages

Island X

Island X

Taiwanese Student Migrants, Campus Spies, and Cold War Activism

Wendy Cheng



270 Pages

Stitching Love and Loss

Stitching Love and Loss

A Gee's Bend Quilt

Lisa Gail Collins



Wide-Open Desert

Wide-Open Desert

A Queer History of New Mexico

Jordan Biro Walters



304 Pages