UW Press Donors
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Many thanks to the individuals, foundations, universities, and other donors whose gifts and grants make our work possible.
Recent Donors
UW Press Donors 2022-24
Juliana Aldous
Lauren and Joseph Allen
Virginia Anderson
Anne Payne Barker
Emery and Lilly Bayley
Judith and Allen Bentley
Margaret Blackman
Alex Blair
Janet Boguch and Kelby Fletcher
David Brown Jr.
Michael Burnap and Irene Tanabe
Karissa Chen
Deborah and Kirk Clothier
Susan Coliton
Debra Dahlen and Bob Fries
Tessie and Benjamin Decker
Vasiliki Dwyer
Patricia and Thomas Ebrey
Margaret and David Enslow
Izumi and Wood Fairbanks
Ellen Ferguson
Micki and Robert Flowers
Ju-Chan and Bruce Fulton
Mimi Gan
Mimi Gates
Carmen and Carver Gayton
Marilyn Gist
Nanhee and William Hahn
Penny and Marvin Harrison
Catherine Hillenbrand
Stephen Hinkle
Mary Hotchkiss and Mary Whisner
Barbara Johns and Richard Hesik
Margot Kahn and Scott Case
Sandeep Kaushik
Marianne Keddington-Lang and Bill Lang
Margot Kenly and Bill Cumming
Amanda Kim
Shirley and Gary Kinnett
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Andrew Larson
John Lee
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Edward Marquand and Mike Longyear
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Jill and Joseph McKinstry
Nicole Mitchell
Tamiko Miyano
Mas Moriya
Vandana Nandan
Mỹ Tâm Nguyễn
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Susan and David Pascal
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Daniel Tam-Claiborne
Barbara Earl Thomas
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Margaret Walker
John Wilcox
Michael Wing
Shawn Wong
Vivian Wong
Anand Yang
Association for Asian Studies
Australian Academy of the Humanities
Calista Education and Culture
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
Children of the Setting Sun Productions
CAA: Art and Design
Henry Luce Foundation
Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation
James P. Geiss and Margaret Y. Hsu Foundation
J.M. Kaplan Fund
Mellon Foundation
Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Art Studies
National Endowment for the Humanities
Tulalip Tribes Charitable Trust
Wyman Youth Trust
Individual Donors
We are grateful to the following individuals who have generously supported our work by establishing press endowments, funding book series, and underwriting specific books.
Paul Abdallah and Deborah Smith-Abdallah
Don Abel Jr.
Jane Abel
David Aberle
Joyce Abraham
Marjorie Abraham
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Gary Ackerman and Robin Dearling
Dean and Lori Adams
Hank Adams
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Horst Antes
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Inez Black
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Watson and Jane Blair
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Betty Blount
Karen Blu
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David Bodansky
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Katharine Bullitt
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Janet Dissauer
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Marion Docter
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Stephen Durrant
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Lawrence Glickman
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William Golding
Stanley Golub
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Diane Gorlick
Herman Gorlick
Aubrey Gould
Gretchen Gould
John Gould
Kim and Michelle Gould
Margaret Gould
Richard and Elizabeth Gould
Judith and John Gowdy
Laura Gowen
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Thomas Graham
Bertram and Ruth Grand
Charles and Jeannie Gravenkemper
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Kevin Grayum
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Jane Green
Joshua and Pamela Green III
Rush Green and Lisa Bergstrom
Patricia Greenfield
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Lucie Greer
Frances Griffin
James Griffin
Virginia Griffin
Beverly Griffiths
Jerry and Lyn Grinstein
Susan Grover
Jacob Gruber
Paul Guiliano
Max and Helen Gurvich
Dorothy Guth
Raymond Guth
Edmund and Diane Gwynne
Agnes Haaga
John and Mary Haase
Mel Hacker
Regina Hackett
Thomas Hagen
Carol Hagen
Dale Hagen
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William and Nanhee Hahn
Margaret Halela-Mosholder and Mark Mosholder
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Gaylord Hall
Herbert Hall
Laverne Hall
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La Mar Harrington
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Virginia Kitchell
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Charles Krafft
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Margery Lang
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Lucia Lawrence
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Hyun Lee
Sharon Lee
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Richard Lindstrom
Steve Lindstrom
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Irving and Lena Lo
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Robert Loomis
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Geraldine Lucks
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Norman Lundin and Sylvia Johnson
Homer Lupton
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Beatrice Lushington
Eva-Maria Lusk
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Arthur Martin
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Joseph and Pamela McCarthy
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Joseph McDonnal
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C. Gardner McFall
James McGrath
Mitchell McGuinness
Nina McGuinness
Mark McIntosh
Lola McKee
Mary McKeever
Jill and Joseph McKinstry
Brian McLaren and Louisa Iarocci
Luther McLean
Martha McLellan
Bert McNae
Mary McPherson
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Jane Meyer
Odette Meyers
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Pendleton and Elisabeth Miller
Wilmer Miller
Edwin Mills III
Alley Mills
W. C. Twig Mills and Alison Stamey
Robert Milroy
Toshiko Mimbu
Naomi and Yoshiaki Minegishi
Jerry Minnich
Shigeo Minowa
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Shirley Mischke
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S. Frank Miyamoto
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Robert Mooney
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Mary Moore
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Lynda Morford
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Tomio and Jenny Moriguchi
Richard Morlan
Douglas and Nancy Morningstar
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Lila Morris
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Judith Mullikin
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Anne Murray
Betty and John Murray
Thomas and Jana Murray
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J. Shirley Nagy
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Paul Neal
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Eugene and Martha Nester
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Terence O’Donnell
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Ben and Martha Ohashi
Marian Ohashi
Robert Ohashi
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Yoshitaka Okada
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Fay and Nathaniel Page
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Ted Pappas
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Anne Arnold Parry
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Janet Pascal
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Sally Pasette
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Dorothy Paton
Lynn Patterson
Virginia Patty
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Derek Paulson
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Georgia Penfield
Nathaniel and Dorothy Penrose Jr.
Vito Perillo
Margaret Perthou-Taylor
Penny Petersen
Eric Peterson and Barbara Pomeroy
Drew and Mary Pettus
Marjan and Ronald Petty
Lisa Peyer
Patricia Peyton
Robert Phelan
Alexis and R. Stewart Phelps
Cynthia Phelps
L. E. and Roberta Phillabaum
Ruth and Mark Phillips
Frederick Piasecki
Vivian Piasecki
Miriam Van Waters Pierce
Doris and John Pieroth Jr.
Thomas Pierpoint
Theodore Pietsch and Diane Rubiano
Don Pike
George Poe
Lizabeth Wilson and Dean Pollack
R. Alex and Dianne Polson
Margaret Porter
Marcia and Richard Porus
Pamela Powers
Dana and Therese Pratt
Lillian Pressly
Thomas Pressly
Andrew and Marianna Price Jr.
David Pritchard and Cliff Bunch
Llewelyn and Joan Pritchard
Richard Proctor
Herbert and Lucia Pruzan
Ann Pryde
Rodney Pulliam
Polly Purvis and David Fine
Diana Putman
Bruce Pym
William and Virginia Quam
George Quimby
Helen Quimby
Barbara Rader
Virginia Rader
Katherine and Douglass Raff
Jack and Marilyn Rafn
Edmund Raftis
Brooks and Suzanne Ragen
Dee Dee Rainbow
Ann Ramsay-Jenkins
Jarold and Dorothy Ramsey
Mary Randlett
Ben Rankin
Margit Rankin
Krishna and Padmavathi Rao
Richard and Valerie Rapport
Charles Rasmussen
Janet Rasmussen
Robert and Rhonda Reed
Laura Rehrmann
Jim Rehrmann
Louise Reh
Jane and Jay Reich
M. Estelle and Lester Reid
Elisha Renne
Michael J. Repass
Peter and Debra Rettman
Joyce Reyes
Lawney Reyes
Maryan Reynolds
Mary Ribesky
Carla Rickerson
Brunilde Ridgway
Walter and Patricia Riehl
Dale Riepe
Charleine Riepe
Earl Riley Jr.
Frances Riley
Solie Ringold
Sue Roark-Calnek
Jeffrey Robbins and Marcella Wing
Lexie Robbins
Spafford Robbins
Lora Robertson and Adrien Gamache
Matthew Robertson and Maren Nelson
Anne Robinson
Gregory Robinson
John Robinson
Mary Robinson
Sievert Rohwer
Brigitte Rohwer
Jean Rolfe
John Rolfe
Lee and Stuart Rolfe
Alice Rooney
Cheryll and Carl Root
Victor Rosellini
Rita and Herbert Rosen
Douglas and Casey Rosenberg
Maurice Rosenblatt
Barbara Ross
H. Stewart Ross
Robert Ross
Julie Rosten
Susan and E. Charles Routh
Richard Royal and Jana Tapper
Louis Rubin Jr.
Leonard M. Rubin
Sam and Gladys Rubinstein
James and Susan Rupp
John Rupp
Beth Russell
George and Dion Russell
Graham Russell
James Russell
Leila Russell
Michael and Mary Rust
Deborah and David Rutherford
Esme Ryan and Raymond Price II
Michael Ryan
Chase Rynd
Jean Sakuma
Junko Sakuma and Jeffrey Westling
Takashi Sakuma
Nancy Salisbury
Lucy Salle
Carol Salomon
Richard Salomon and Robin Dushman
Victor Sandblom
Stephen Sander
Jane and James Sanders
Pamela and Gary Sanders
Norman and Elisabeth Sandler
Marcia Sanford
Robert and Shake Sarkis
Herman and Faye Sarkowsky
Hideo and May Sasaki
Robert Sato
Marilla and Randall Satterwhite
Eulalie and Carlo Scandiuzzi
Shelby Scates
Keith Schaafsma
Steven Scharf and Rhonda Scarf
Ronnie Scharfman and Joseph Youngerman
Victor Scheffer
Paul and Pamela Schell
William and Zelda Scheyer
Werner Schimmelbusch
Gustaf Schippers and Yvonne Vermeesch-Schippers
Mary Schlick
Alexander Schlutz
Joseph Schneider and Kimberly Clements
William Schneider
Alice Schroeter
Leonard Schroeter
Alan and Susan Schulkin
Jack Schulman
Harvey and Marilyn Schwartz
Susan Schwartzenberg
Lynn and John Sealey
Roger Seamon
Cynthia Sears and Frank Buxton
Jean Sedlar
Charyl and Earl Sedlik
Robert Seidl
Andrea Selig and Joel Erlitz
Bertelle Selig and Herman Buschke
Martin Selig and Catherine Mayer
Maria Semal
Ann Senechal
Helen and Richard Senseney
Philip and Mary Serka
Veronica Seyd
Holly Shaffer
Fred Shanaman Jr.
Jane Shanaman
Judith Shapiro
Brian and Cynthia Sherrod
Roger Shimomura
Tomohito and Gretchen Shinoda
Sally and Lee Shobe
Margaret and Joseph Shoji
Alice and David Shorett
Zella Short
Richard and Mary Shrader
Frank Shrontz
A. David Shuler
David Siegel
Judith Siegman
Jerome Silbergeld and O. Michelle Deklyen
Stanford Silberman
Susan Silberman
Patricia Silver
Michael Silverstein
Frederick Simons
Richard Simonson
Charles and Lisa Simonyi
Barbara Simpson
Hunter and Dottie Simpson
John and Katherine Simpson
John Simpson
Patricia Simpson
William Simpson
Patterson Sims
Christina Singleton
K. and Saroj Sivaramakrishnan
Claudia Skelton
David and Catherine Skinner III
Kayla Skinner
Paul Skinner and Wade Ballinger
Peter and Jane Skinner
Robert and Nadine Skotheim
Datus Smith Jr.
A. McNair Smith
Andrew and D. Lavonne Smith
Jimene Smith
Patricia Smith
Payton Smith
Joanne Snow-Smith
Pat Soden and Marilyn Trueblood
Richard and Carrie Soderstrom
Eileen Soldwedel
Robert Soldwedel
Ralph Solecki
Mark Sollek and Kimberly McNally
Meli Solomon
Joan Soper
Leroy Soper
Marlene Souriano-Vinikoor and Abram Vinikoor
Lisa Sowder and Nicholas O’Connell
Elizabeth and Michael Spafford
Robert and Janet Spangler Jr.
Julie Speidel and Joseph Henke
Donald Spickard
Ruth and Charles Spiegel
Melford Spiro
Alexander Spoehr
Pamela Spratlen
Janet and Peter Stanley
Edward Stanton and Melissa McEuen
Raimonds Staprans
Susan Starbuck and Larry Steele
Jody Stark
Charles Stavig
Jacqueline Stegner
Julie Stein and Stanley Chernicoff
Carlyn Steiner
Susan Steinhauser and Daniel Greenberg
Bernice Stern
Catherine and Dennis Stern
Edward Stern
Reinhard Stettler
Philip Stewart Jr.
Craig and Val Stewart
Marvel Stewart
David Stobaugh and Lynn Prunhuber
Andrew Storms
Walter Straley
Richard and Megumi Strathmann
Bill and Bobby Street
Daniel and Ann Streissguth
Hope and Richard Stroble
Samuel and Althea Stroum
Melvin Sturman and Leena Sarkanen-Sturman
Peter Sugar
Sally Sugar
Todd and Jane Summerfelt
Trudy and J. P. Sundberg
Wayne Suttles
Kim and George Suyama
Amanda Swain
Gretchen Swanzey
Tree Swenson
Michael Swindling
Janet Taggares
Judith Talley
William Talley
Irene Tanabe and A. Michael Burnap
John and Irene Tanino
Helen and John Tanner
Julidta and Frank Tarver
Fredric and Marilyn Tausend
George Taylor
Holly and William Taylor
Kenneth and Mary Taylor
Henry Templeton
Marian Templeton
Jean Tenenbaum
Roland Terry
Philip Thayer
Donald Ellegood
Ana and Peter Thiel
Midori Thiel
Philip Thiel
Barbara Thomas
Elizabeth Thomas
Aron and Sara Thompson
J. Callum Thompson
Rick and Nancy Thompson
Cappy Thomson
Jerry and Ernalee Thonn
Robert Thurston and Monica Clements
Susan Thurston
Ronald and Gail Tilden
Charles Timberlake
Anne Todd
Deborah Todd
Kenneth Tokita
Elsie Tokita
Shokichi Tokita
Linda Tom
Timothy Tomlinson
Kip and Claudia Toner
Kirby Torrance III
Kirby Torrance Jr.
Christine Torrance
Heidi Torrance
Mark Torrance
James Townsend
Alva Treadgold
John Treat III and Douglas Lind
Prudence Trudgian
Douglas and Janet True
William and Ruth True
Marilyn Trueblood and Pat Soden
Florence and Tak Tsuchida
Jack Tsuchiya
Gerard and Judith Tsutakawa
Rae Tufts
George Tweney
James and Camille Uhlir
Joan Ullman
Barry Upson and Louise Shafer-Upson
Mary Van Cline
Gretchen Van Meter
Peter van Oppen and Shannon Oppen
James Van Stone
Nance Van Winckel and Rik Nelson
Garry Vibber
Jean Viereck
Ariel Villareal
Evon Vogt Jr.
Mary Voigt
Anne Voorhees
Robert Wack
Jady Wade
Betty Wagner
Kozuye and Karen Wakimoto
Margaret Waldo
Catherine Walker and David Fuqua
Douglas and Margaret Walker
Margaret Walker
Jean Walkinshaw
Walt Walkinshaw
Anthony Wallace
Patricia Wallace
John Walter and Johnnella Butler
M. Patricia Warashina
Mary Wasch
Dorothy and William Washburn
Marlie Wasserman
Patricia Watkinson
Virginia Watson
Marillyn Watson
Patty and Richard Watson
R. Duke and Marillyn Watson
Maron and Nahum Waxman
Griffith and Patricia Way
Thaisa Way and Marc Servetnick
David Weatherford
James Weatherman
Robert and Marcia Weaver
Eugene and Marilyn Webb
Karin and James Webster
Kay Weeks
Wesley Wehr
Alberta and Kenneth Weinberg
Annette Weiner
Edward Weinstein and Marcia Friedman
Richard Weiss
Wendy Weiss
Paul and Harriet Weissman
Ann Welch
Edwin Wells
Edward Wenk Jr. and Betty Wagner
Carolyn Wenk
Kathie Werner
Margaret Wesselhoeft
William Wesselhoeft
Constance and Frederick West
Sally Weston
Frank and Jan Wetzel
George Weyerhaeuser Jr.
Annette Weyerhaeuser
Charles Weyerhaeuser
George Weyerhaeuser
Wendy Weyerhaeuser
Judith Whetzel
William Whitaker
Elmer and Nikoline White Sr.
Gordon White
Leavitt White
Richard White
Sarah White
Jeanette and Brent Whiteman
Fred Whitridge
Ron Wigginton
Theodore Wight
Bruce and Greta Wilcox
John and Kathleen Wilcox
James Wiley
Ken Wiley
Melanie Ito and Charles Wilkinson
Andrew Will
Gordon and Katherine Willey
David Williams and Marjorie Kittle
Douglas Williams
Jacqueline Williams
J. Vernon and Mary Williams
Michael Williams
Robert Williams
R. Ann Haggerty Williams
Colleen and George Willoughby Jr.
Antoinette Wills
Chester Wilson
Lizabeth Wilson and Dean Pollack
Mark Wilson
Paul Wilson
Scott and Shirley Wilson
Teresa and Jeffrey Wilson
Thomas Wilson
William and Katharine Wilson
Florence Wingo
Neva Wiseman
Richard Wiseman
Marie and Robert Wolf
Dael Wolfle
Shawn Wong and Erin Malone
Larry Woodin
Gene and Marylou Woodruff
Norton Woods
Sarah Woods
Chester and Elizabeth Woodside
Karen Workman
Beth Workmaster
H. M. Wormington
Christopher Worsley
Bagley and Virginia Wright
Robin Wright and Carol Ivory
Howard Wright III and Katherine Janeway
Margaret Wright
Merrill Wright
Rustin Wright
Clyde Wu
Ann Wyman
Polly and David Wyman
Deehan Wyman
Virginia Wyman
Victor and Mildred Yamada
Henry Yamamura
Susan Yamamura
Robert Yarber
Louise and Richard Yarmuth
Alfred Yee
Leonard Yerkes III
Jane Yerkes
Ann and Richard Yoder Jr.
Cheryl Yokoyama
Erin Younger and Edward Liebow
Shirley Younglove
Carol Zabilski and Richard von Kleinsmid
Kathy Zarur
Gene and Janet Zema
Pieter and Ursula Zilinsky
We thank the following foundations, corporations, museums, associations, and other public and private organizations for collaborating with us and supporting our publishing program.
American Museum of Natural History
Anchorage Museum Association
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Association for Asian Studies
Bagley and Virginia Wright Foundation
Bellevue Art Museum
Blakemore Foundation
Blakemore Trust
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation
Calista Elders Council
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
Citizens Council for the Arts
College Art Association
Edwin W. and Catherine M. Davis Foundation
Eli Lilly and Company
Frye Art Museum
Geneva Foundation
Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts
Hackett-Freedman Gallery
Hahn Northwest Inc.
Henry A. Schimberg Charitable Foundation
Henry Luce Foundation
Henry M. Jackson Foundation
Indianapolis Museum of Art
Institute of Turkish Studies
International Longshore Workers’ Union
Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Art Studies
Paul Getty Trust
James P. Geiss and Margaret Y. Hsu Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Jon and Mary Shirley Foundation
Keta Legacy Foundation
KING Broadcasting Company
Korea Foundation
Kreielsheimer Foundation
Landscape Architecture Foundation
Market Foundation
Meadowdale Foundation
National Audubon Society
National Endowment for the Humanities
Nippon Kotsu Bunka Kyokai
Norcliffe Foundation
Northwest Horticultural Society
Oki Foundation
Pacific Links Foundation
Pacific Northwest Arts and Crafts Association
Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
Pendleton and Elisabeth Carey Miller Charitable Foundation
Pioneer Square Community Association
Saint Louis Art Museum
Sealaska Heritage Institute
Seattle Foundation
Society for Japanese Studies
State of Washington
Stroum Foundation
Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust
Reem and Kayden Foundation
Thurston Charitable Foundation
Tulalip Tribes Charitable Fund
Turkish Ministry of Culture
United Way of King County
US Department of Natural Resources
Washington State Historical Society
Washington Native Plant Society
Wells Fargo Bank
Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation
Wyman Youth Trust
We thank the many universities that have provided publication grants to support the work of their faculty.
Bates College
Binghamton University
Bowdoin College
The Claremont Colleges
Columbia University
Dartmouth College
DePaul University
Dickinson College
Emory University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Fordham University
Georgetown University
Gonzaga University
Harvard University
Hong Kong University
International Christian University
Johns Hopkins University
Kenyon College
Lehman College, CUNY
Macquarie University, Sydney
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Oakland University
Princeton University
Radboud University
San Francisco State University
Southern Methodist University
Stanford University
Stockholms Universitet
Tel Aviv University
Tulane University
Union College
Universitet I Oslo
University of California
University of Colorado
University of Idaho
University of Illinois
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of North Texas
University of Notre Dame
University of Pennsylvania
University of Southern California
University of Utrecht
University of Wyoming
Washington State University
Washington University in St. Louis
Wayne State University
Whitman College
Yale University
UW Partners
We are grateful to several colleges and departments across the University of Washington campus for working with us to publish books and host events.
Bill Holm Center for the Study of Northwest Coast Art
Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture
Center for Korea Studies
Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest
China Program
College of Built Environments
Department of Architecture
Department of English
Department of Geography
Department of History
Ellison Center for Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies
Gandharan Studies Program
Henry Art Gallery
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Jackson School of International Studies
Michael G. Foster School of Business
Scandinavian Studies Program
Southeast Asia Center
Stroum Center for Jewish Studies
UW Libraries
Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities