The entangled human and more-than-human histories of one of the world’s iconic urban green spaces

Animating Central Park

A Multispecies History

By Dawn Day Biehler

The story of how Mesoamerican food activists faced down Monsanto . . . and won

Kernels of Resistance

Maize, Food Sovereignty, and Collective Power

By Liza Grandia

A fascinating story of writing across cultures and time

Chinese Characters across Asia

How the Chinese Script Came to Write Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese

By Zev J. Handel

Explores Asian Americans' diverse connections and interactions with the natural world

Nature Unfurled

Asian American Environmental Histories

Edited by Connie Y. Chiang

How humans living amid an abundance of diverse flora and fauna help us rethink conservation

Viable Ecologies

Conservation and Coexistence on the Galápagos Islands

By Paolo Bocci

A probe into corruption in late Imperial China

Three Impeachments

Guo Xiu and the Kangxi Court

By R. Kent Guy

Challenges the romantic portrayal of Spanish missions

Native Alienation

Spiritual Conquest and the Violence of California Missions

By Charles A. Sepulveda

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