"Meet King County’s earliest vaudevillians, welfare mothers, restauranteurs, African American coal miners, Scandinavian immigrants, shapers of the Young Men’s Buddhist Association, and Jewish women founders of Settlement House. [Here also are the modern Mexican American voters and recent Vietnamese immigrants, reflecting in interviews on the forces that have impacted their Seattle experiences.] Now the historical stage can be shared by all its players, for a fuller and deeper portrait, a Pacific Northwest in all its complexity."
Karen Blair, editor of Women in Pacific Northwest History
"This fresh collection of essays helps us revisit our past by challenging old myths and bringing detail to unexplored pieces of the region’s heritage. A wonderful, readable anthology that mixes traditional scholarship, oral histories, and stimulating new insights."
Ron Chew, Wing Luke Asian Museum
"Now we may wonder again, with what zest are so many subjects both studied and shared? Previously these histories were rarely even whispered below the great baritone recitals of the same old stories. Beyond its title, More Voices, New Stories is in more than half of its contributions a vocalization of what were also formerly neglected voices and stories. Now in time for our three sesquicentennial celebrations of the founding of Seattle, King County, and Washington Territory comes More Voices, New Stories. It’s about time. It’s always about time."
Paul Dorpat, author of Seattle Now and Then